I have contributed columns to The Banker (a Financial Times group magazine) and written features and news for defence technology and finance magazines. I have written for Foreign Affairs, BBC News, The Economist, The Washington Quarterly, Foreign Policy, RUSI Journal, Asian Affairs, Small Wars and Insurgencies, Contemporary South Asia, International Affairs, The Round Table, the Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Harvard International Review, Current History, The World Today, Financial World, Conflict Security and Development, Outlook, Scroll, India Abroad, Greater Kashmir and Jane's Terrorism and Security Monitor.
I am a former editor of Financial Innovation, a bimonthly newsletter, and was financial correspondent for Defence Digitisation.
Selected publications:
Are we all revisionists now? in International Order Strategies, ed. Aaron McKeil, LSE IDEAS, November 2024
The language of mission-led government is compelling, Civil Service World, September 2024
What could a properly flexible model for a future civil service look like? Civil Service World, July 2024
Plain Failing, Civil Service World, April 2024
For the civil service, prestige can be a double-edged sword, Civil Service World, Febrary 2024
Only good days ahead for the UK-India relationship, Hindustan Times, August 2018
The challenge of "recentism", Yale Global, June 2015
Al Qaeda and the Islamic State, Scroll (India) 2015
Organizing for British National Strategy - International Affairs, May 2014
Republished as a book chapter in British Foreign Policy and the National Interest, eds Timothy Edmunds, Jamie Gaskarth and Robin (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014)
Chapter in Pakistan in National and Regional Change, eds C. Christine Fair and Shaun Gregory (Basingstoke: Routledge, 2013)
The United States and South Asia (New York: Asia Society, December 2012)
"visionary, thoughtful, look-ahead type of report that's needed as we try to craft policies for the next decade and beyond" U.S. Under Secretary of State, Robert Hormats
What a U.S. Asia policy should look like - CNN, December 10, 2012
The U.S. and a reimagined South Asia - Mint, Mumbai, December 10, 2012
The U.S. needs an integrated Asia policy - South China Morning Post, December 10, 2012
Bridging the Gap Between Policymaking and Academia - Yale Journal of International Affairs, September/October 2012
Tough talk is cheap - Don't Lose Pakistan - Foreign Affairs, May/June 2012
Pakistan and the shadow of 9/11 - RUSI Journal, Aug/Sep 2011
Informal networks and policymaking - in Terrorism, Security and Informal Networks, ed. Ann Lane et al (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar), 2010
Madrasah education: Necessity or Rational Choice? - Harvard International Review, Fall 2008
Kashmiri Exceptionalism, in The Valley of Kashmir, ed. T.N. Madan and Aparna Rao, (New Delhi: Manohar 2008)
The man and the message: the world according to Bin Laden - Asian Affairs (London: 2007)
Why Peace Won't Come to Kashmir, in South Asia, ed. Sumit Ganguly (New York: NYU Press, 2006)
Understanding Madrasahs - Foreign Affairs, Jan/Feb 2006
On Disinterest, in Decadence, ed. Digby Anderson, London: SAU, 2005
Forecasting India's Potential - Round Table Journal, September 2004
A Departure from History? Kashmiri Pandits 1990-2000, Contemporary South Asia, 2002
Talibanising Kashmir, The World Today, December 2001
Reducing tension is not enough, Washington Quarterly, Spring 2001
As bad as it gets: the Kashmir insurgency, Small Wars and Insurgencies, Spring 2000
Must do - but can do better: Economic Reforms in South Asia, Contemporary South Asia, 1999
Kashmir: the past ten years, Asian Affairs, 1999